Wednesday, September 21, 2011


1)What was the significance of the Forks of the Ohio to each of the competing groups? 
British to stop the French from controlling a bunch of land and keeping them at the coast. The French to have an empire and also to complete their trade route and locations of there forts. 2)Why would the British be concerned by the French forts west of the Appalachian Mountains? 
Because it was the French and they had close to being to the indians and also more land and trade for them. 3)Which Indians had claims to land at the Forks of the Ohio?
Half King who was connected to the Iroquois had a small tribe and controlled it.   4) List important individuals in this segment.
Half King
General Braddock 
Georage Washington
5) What qualities did George Washington display as a young military leader? Which of these helped him succeed in his military career? 
He didn't have the experience and who was really ambitious to start becoming a leader he really wanted too. He also made great allies. He made great allies to help him in battle and to build more forts. 

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