Friday, December 2, 2011


1) What are the three branches of government and what are the powers of each?
Legislative, The law making branch.
Executive, The president to carry out laws and policies 
Judicial, deals with court systems.   
2) How can these branches check and balance each other?
Because each one affects the other
3) What were the compromises to the constitution?
Can use slavery, 3/5 law, make slavery legal, and make office for president, to give the congress to houses.4) Who wrote the Federalist papers?
John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison 5) What was the Bill of Rights? Why did some states demand its inclusion before they ratified the constitution?
Because they needed rules to allow everyone like, the ten amendents. Also so their rights are still with them.6) What were the anti-federalists main fears about the constitution?
That there wont be a strong government. They were afraid that they might get their freedom be taking away. 

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