Tuesday, January 10, 2012


1) What was Manifest Destiny?
To extend its land from the pacific ocean
2) The Oregon Territory consisted of what area? Who claimed it?
Geoarge vancouver
3.) Who were the Mountain Men?
The people who spent most there time on mountains and who worked for fur trading.
4) Why was the Oregon Trail important?
So people could travel.
5) Discuss the meaning behind the slogan "Fifty-Four Forty or Fight"?
Democrats thought that nations northern borders in Oregon in latitude.
6) James Polk made what promises to the American public during the election of 1844
To acquire California, stop Oregon dispute, lower the tariff, to make sub-treasury, and not to run another term.
7) Discuss how Texas became independent.
The Texan's had been figuring out Texas unpopulated lands by the Mexican government, joined with the native Hispanic Tejano
 8) Discuss the battles of The Alamo and San Jacinto.
The battle of Alamo lacked supplies, and had 180 Texans Commander was William B. Travis, it was a victory for the Mexicans. For Battle Of Jacinto Houston americans moved their small army eastward about a 100 miles waiting to strike Santa Anna, Houston then had 900 Santa Anna had more then 1,300 Santa Anna won.
9) How long did it take the U.S. to annex Texas? Why?
Because the votes did not work for it to join. 8 years
10) How did the Mexican-American War start? Why did it start? Was it a "Just War"?
Mexicans included territory that was blocking the U.S expansion westwards to the pacific coast in pursuance of manifest destiny. U.S there for needed to goad Mexico to take back there territory.
11) What was the American response to the war?
They said yes for war because of land
12) List the major battles of the war.
Battle of Palo alto, battle of Vera Cruz, battle for new Mexico, Battle for Cerro Gordo, battle for California, new Mexico city
13) What was the cost of the war?
It cost a 150 million$ I think.
14) Why was the California Gold Rush important?
Because the gold rush helped for jobs and money.
15) Answer the following questions on page 380 - #6 - #10, #13-#15.
#6- They agreed on Joint Territory
#7- More slave trades would make the slaves mad as well as the free states.
#8- More people which is a good environment to build a bigger nation.
#9- Texas being apart of the U.S and Mexico was ran by one leader (aka dictator)
#10- They found gold and suffered as well
#13- It lead to more people getting mad because both states wanted more land.
#14- it depends on the people and what they think
#15- they had many different opinions and thoughts on what to do.

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