Monday, April 2, 2012

discuss questions

2. The woman act on the man while the man appear strong and they dont know what to do so the woman stand their and wait for the man to act. And as long as the men dont give up then there is hope.
3. It shows part of his background and it makes you wonder what happened and also where is he going to go to the city to drink or commit a crime or maybe go back home to mommy to say i'm sorry
4. That the flies can't do things and go to inside but the farmers are trying to do something and they can't do it.
5. He just got the clothes that were standred and it shows you had a very bad past.
6. That he is a good guy that just tries to not be nosy and mean to people. He was proving that he wasn't like the rich basterds. We vs I.
7.  They attention or to do differnt things then there boring jobs
8. it shows workers, because they work had no matter what.
9. they're just what people say and do thats it.
10. because he was like moses and he followed god until he couldn't make sence anymore
11. People vs Molloch, because its like the saying don't let the flame die out for the people to keep going even though the bank is mean.

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